About Me

Hi, I’m Jessica!

I’m a strategic thinker, process improver, and creative problem solver committed to working with organizations that are addressing climate change. My extensive experience in a variety of fields including local government, tech and non-profit organizations, has strengthened my ability to analyze situations from different perspectives and stakeholder needs.

I’ve taken on new challenges with global teams in various sectors gaining insights on best practices to fix, manage, adapt or upcycle all types of projects. By combining the right approach with the right communication strategy, I’m able to bring people together and move initiatives from ideas to completion.

My experience comes from working with reputable organizations including City of Santa Monica, CareOregon, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and Internet Society. I also recently completed a fellowship at Climatebase as part of Cohort 5, deepening my climate knowledge particularly in sustainable transportation and the built environment. I believe that implementing climate change solutions will require an ability to connect the dots between many different problems and ways of thinking, and that my experience collaborating with teams in unfamiliar areas of expertise can bring a sense of clarity to projects that helps breaks down barriers to progress.